Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Birthday Prezzies! ^^

I am so so so so soooooo touched today!

My colleagues in my office planned a surprise for me with a yummy birthday cake and presents beyond my imagination.

(erm, it's not my birthday yet, but they decided to celebrate it earlier) Hhahaaa..

My colleague has asked me one week back about nendo, asking me where she can buy one for her younger sister and which character is cute. And, i was feverently helping her with it, loading her with all the websites and shop addresses where she can find the nendo-treasure.

Little did i know that, the nendo-treasure that she has been asking my views on, is actually meant for ME! awwwwwwwww~ ~

when i "teared" open the wrapping, i was like, "OHHHH! oh man, all of you bought this for me, how you know????!"

Yako: Wad's that!! @.@
NOW, i have my second NENDO! YAY!

'omg! im not the only child now!! better msg the rest...  xoxo.'
 Dun worry yako.. we still love you the most.. XD
 notice a floating ghastly chair.. lolx.. held by tako! Miyuki can sit too!! 

Meet Takara Miyuki! our lastest addition.. 高良みゆきです! 皆さん、どうぞよるしく! ^^

Tako says her back view.. her hair.. looks like her. An octopus. XD its VERY VERY heavy. no joke.

Just when u and i think that, it's the end, NO!

They even got me THESEEEEEEEE~~!!

Nendoroid Petit!! small poison.. lolx. and we got.....



Ren: ^^ looks very adorable!! i can see myself bring them ard for photos alr.. cute pair!! =D Tako does looks like misa misa if she dye her hair but im nowhere near looking like Light. XD

my colleague even mentioned that i can give one to Ren! arent they sweet?? it's my birthday present and they still remember Ren!!

(aren't you touched, Ren??)


Birthday Card, hand-made by my colleague.

Tat's me in kimono. She knows tat i am hunting for a kimono now. hahaha.
Ren: the fringe is the same too.. *points*

I am so LOST for WORDS!

I am touched. \(^O^)/



  1. light-ren
    as long you two do't know my real name and face I'm save lol
    miyuki so cute ^^ is cat included with her nendoroid ??

  2. Your colleagues are awesome!! XDDD And very supportive of your hobby!

    The presents they got you are so much win. Miyuki is adorable!! xD Same for the Petit Nendos!

    I know it's not your birthday yet, but I wish you an advance happy birthday with lots of love and cake and FIGURINES!!! \o/

  3. You're a lucky man ! Your's colleagues are very cool.

  4. @moemoekyun: hahah. you better be careful when posting photos.. XD yups.. she's very cute.. looks abit like tako.. lolx. nope.. she's the standard ver. =)

    @evangelisque: heh.. i'll thank you on behalf of tako first. ^^ yups.. her colleagues are very nice! something to look forward to next bday! lolx.

    @mikiwank: hey there! welcome to our blog.. =) i'm also thanking you on behalf of tako.. =D tako is a gal.. so she's a lucky woman! XD see you ard! ^^


  5. happy early birthday Tako-chan! lovely presents from your colleagues! one and a half Miyuki and two petits lol never looked at Miyukis hairs as octopus till now XD now you have a pair of nendo and a pair of petit ^^

  6. Happy early birthday tako!!! Argh...very very nice birthday gifts!!! Omedeto!!!

    Haha so any wishes for your birthday? hehe ^^


    To be able to receive all these well-wishes before the actual bday-day from all of you is really sweet ~ ~ ~

    @ moemoekyun: haha, I get what you mean with the “real face” appearing on photos posted on blog. I am camera-shy too! haha, so am dodging the camera whenever I can. til today, you get to see my "tentacles" only.

    @ evangelisque : Yes, my colleague is totally supportive, we share what we know about anime, manga, figures, toys and models! She’s really sweet. She has made me lots of hand-crafted stuff, maybe I should ask her to try her hands on gunpla.. *evil grin*

    I am so happy with the Lots of Love, and Cake.. and as for FIGURES.. hahaha, I told Ren, I want to have SABER LION! So, is there a kind soul out there who caught my hint??

    @ mikiwank : Thanks for dropping by. Yups, I love my colleagues. (:
    Hope to see you popping by more often..

    ESTATIC- Tako \('O')/

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Just as when you have thought that I forgot about you guys.. No!!

    @ rocklee : Thanks for the well-wishes!! Yes, am sooooo totally excited! And am so amused that the back view of Miyuki really does look a tad too much like an octopus.. So maybe I can get her to pose as me…LOL

    @ chubbs : Arigatou gozaimashita! Happy Happy!
    You too! you have got some lovely nendos added to your collection eh.. (:

    Birthday wishes, Yes I have! World Peace!! Hahahahaaa.
    (watching too much Gundam00 recently)

    My real birthday wish is just for my grandpa to recover quickly and can spend more time together. GRANDPA! Recover quick okie, we are all waiting for you!!

    @ EXkurogane : Thank you thank you for the well-wishes.

    *1st psst : I wanted to “twig” my grammer for the comments above and ended up deleting my own entire comment post. (Dec 23 2009 1.39pm)
    Sigh.. how silly I am.

    *2nd psst : pls bear with me on how I have been spamming on exclamation marks.

    Estatic – Tako \\('O')//

  10. HAPPY EARLY B'DAY~! Incrediblily good gifts also. And oh crumbs... nenenenenend-d-d-do... ugu... X_x

  11. Happy b'day to you! That's some awesome bday presents.
    You have wonderful colleagues ^_^

  12. @tako you read my mind "real face" ^^;;

  13. @ bd77 : THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! it's really lovely presents. feeling all pampered by my colleagues. yes nendo-poison. it's intoxicating!!

    @ heathorn: thankyou thank you for the well-wishes. yes, am so grateful for my bunch of colleagues.

    @ moemoekyun : Yes, i read you. HAHAHAHAHAAaaaaa.

    Still Estatic - Tako \('O')/
