Thursday, July 7, 2011

Oh my ~~~~ ??!!

Any comments for this??

or something like this??

or even something like this???

Hmmm, if you were to ask me. I guess, I am lost for words? We froze-blogging for a few months, but we kept receiving parcels from Japan with all these loots. We were busy so we didn't really open the parcels or boxes. So, when Ren started packing, it's like opening a can of worms, everything start flowing out.

Does this still look like a bedroom? Or is it a shop now? I wonder.


Maybe Ren will have sweet dreams with all these treasures surrounding him when he sleeps. 

You may trying completing this sentence:-

This bedroom looks so __________.


When I saw the photos of the bedroom, I felt/thought ________________________________.

Tako's version:-
This bedroom looks so so sooo soo so ??

I have not found a suitable adjective or words to describe my feelings, so am looking forward to all of you helping me with it!

Tako 6('O')9


  1. WOW Sugoi~~

    thats is crazy lol

    Imma try to finis that sentence lol

    This bedroom looks so awesome!


    When I saw the photos of the bedroom, I felt so jealous lol

  2. both of you seriously have an addiction problem~ XD.

  3. Nendos, figmas, Revoltechs and gunplas, you two have a SERIOUS collection.

    Me likes. =D

  4. @Tsukinari: yah, have to admit, we went a little out of control.

    Thank you for helping with the sentences!
    Indeed, awesome and sparks jealousy.

    I know what I want to say eh..
    When I saw the photos of the bedroom, I felt giddy.


    @sl619: addiction problem.. HAHHAaa. i guess so. We kept ordering and buying without keeping a count of it. So when parcels start coming in, we do get a shock. Hahha.

    @bd77: thank you!! we likes too! got a little too SERIOUS, our collection.

    Tako 6('O')9

  5. ... ... ... ... Sweet... This totally gives a new meaning to 'bedroom with a nice view' XD

  6. Ah I am in the same situation as you guys ^^ But I am lucky I have a storeroom to keep all extra loots haha....I have lots of them but hardly the time to blog or finished them :P

  7. @Gundam Gunso: hee... bedroom with a nice view, not bad, like the way you say it..

    @chubbybots: Good to have a storeroom for all these loots.. Can imaginge how all the boxes are stocked up in your storeroom. Ren is facing a similar situation, not enough time to finish the kits. He said, he wish, he can have 2 more pair of hands..

    Tako 6('O')9
