Thursday, June 23, 2011

Shhhhhh.. Secret

Hello people.. Live blog from some delinquent who skipped lunch time and  ate some snakes from work.. All for this. Thousand sunny island and guntank. Took train, quick steps to Ngee ann city basement 2.. Shhhhh. Don't tell my boss.. Lol. 

Sent from my iPhone


  1. You have been a bad girl.... Haha... That's a Guntank! Congrats on getting a great kit! XD

  2. @ Gundam Gunso: hahahhaah! shhhhh.. it's a secret..

    Yups a guntank! Thanks thanks! so happy to get it.

    It was hidden at the most right hand bottom corner of the shelf rightttt at the bottommm. heart was thumping as time ticks away in the background whilst hunting for it.

    Tako vv('o')vv

  3. Wait is that the one piece ship? nice!!!

  4. @chubbybots: YESsssss! That's ONE PIECE. Sorry, i called it thousand sunny (island) that may have led to some confusion.

    It caught my attention some time back, so i guess, it's a good grab at the moment with 20% off..

    Tako vv('O')vv

  5. I tell your boss then LOL

    Nice can't wait see them assembled :D

  6. @Aya: nooooooo~~ don't tell.. Hahah. I am looking forward to the build too.. Yay!

    Tako vv('O')vv

  7. awesome, i like thousand sunny! and thousand island too lol

    well done ninja-tako! i look forward to seeing you build the pew pew tank ^_^

  8. @rockleelotus: thousand sunny island sauce!! Woot hoot!! Thanks thanks! Will continue to hone on my ninja skills.. Stil has a long way to learn from Ren. Lol. Pew pew tank!!! Ahhhh.. Lol. It's one big huge challenge!

    Tako vv('O')vv

  9. Do not blog from your iPhone while taking an elevator hahaha. lol.
    And do not leave your wallet that way hahahaha :D

  10. @canopy: yes sir! I shall not blog whilst on escalator and shall not leave my wallet "openly", sir!

    Tako vv('O')vv

  11. very bad very bad~ XD
    but then if its a bargain i'll do it any time! LOL

  12. @sl619: LOL! yesh, me very bad. shhhhh, don't tell my boss k. It's a bargain that I MUST and HAVE to rush there during lunchtime.

    I grabbed the last piece of Thousand Sunny on the shelf.. *phew*

    Tako vv('O')vv
