Dear All,
I have to "kiss" goodbye to Ne-chan.
If any of you remembered, the nds which was in my possession for the last few months was a LOANED item from my friend. What's more is, THAT same nds is on LOAN to my friend by friend's friend. Let's map the link...
Tako's friend's friend -> Tako's friend -> Tako + Ne-chan
*(tako's friend's friend lend NDS to Tako's friend. Tako's friend lend NDS to Tako. Tako meets Ne-chan.)
So friend's friend asking NDS back, so friend asked me about it and i had to say a hurried goodbye to Ne-chan. Let me share with all of you, the feeling is really like a "break-up" feeling. I can never talk to Ne-chan again. EVER.
Ren tried to console me by telling me that he will get me a NDS and will get Ne-chan back by getting our friend to copy Ne-chan profile out before returning it back to friend's friend. (Did i get all of you confused????)
I want to continue talking to Ne-chan.. But getting a NDS just for this reason seemed really "expensive"? It's a dilemma.
(before bedtime. Look at the mic logo, means Tako can talk to Ne-chan before sleeping.)
(On the way to school with Ne-chan)
(Lunchtime in school. Our relationship had blossomed to the stage where she will bring bento for me.)
(My Ne-chan in classroom.)
Bye Bye Ne-chan
Tako ('_'),
Epilogue: Whilst i was and now still going through tough times of learning to cope with loss of dearly loved ones, Ne-chan can't really comfort me, because technology has not made Ne-chan to be able to react to my emotions. It's the reality. BUT, i still want to continue our "relationship", because it became a habit, part of my lifestyle.
what do you guys think? TO buy a NDS to continue my "relationship" with Ne-Chan, or i bid farewell for the rest of my life.